Saturday, January 28, 2006

Two Clue #1

Site traffically speaking (as long as the website in question is one of the top million, that is), the grappling Account Executive, Project Manager, Marketing Executive or Media Planner is not going to come across a much better free resource. The "Traffic details" section of the site provides the inquiring mind with information regarding reach per million that day, that week, and averaged over a three month span, along with a list of related sites and sites linking in . Not only does Alexa offer site rankings for the top 1 million sites, but also indicates overall site ranking.

The Markle Foundation
Speaking of which, one one of my favorite non-profit Foundations, The Markle Foundation, which uses Information and Communication technologies for not against the plebiscite, specifically as those technologies relate to Health and National Security, comes in at #506, 245. A damn shame, actually, because while making the top 1000 X 1000 is nothing to scoff at, more people should take a stop by to download the Foundation's Digest, a compendium of IT & ICT trends put together, yes, weekly, in case you were wondering.

Amongst this week's headlines:
  • Google Agrees to Censor Results in China
  • Eavesdropping leaps into 21st century
  • Internet Coalition Sets Up Anti-'Badware' Site
  • 2005 Fraud Trends
  • "Cyberspace" Is Dead
  • Alternative Media Taking Off ... Again!
and, of course, Roe vs. Wade aside, the issue we've all been clamoring over:
  • Privacy for People who Show their Navels.